This is...

our story

The history behind Eley’s of Ironbridge is a story of humble beginnings, wise decisions and most of all hard work. Mr. Tim Eley the man behind its success bought the shop back in the ‘sixties’ from good but hard-earned money working on the building of the Ironbridge Power Station.

It was at this time that whilst setting up his very first business, originally in partnership with his brother, also still working at the Ironbridge Power Station that he also began his now vast property portfolio. You can now start to imagine the hard work that has made ‘Eley’s of Ironbridge’ the success it is today.

Ironbridge back then was not the major tourist attraction that it is today, in fact it was a rather miserable place with many derelict buildings and many were demolished! If only they knew then what we know now!

Business was brisk for C. & T. Eley Bros. as it was then known, and there was a good local trade. Then came the Supermarkets and Telford Town Centre which started to take local trade away from the small villages and towns. But at the same time there was a realisation that Ironbridge had something that was worth investing in.


The Old Blast Furnace which had been closed and buried for many years was very close to being dismantled and the site cleared but the wise decision to excavate and preserve it was made and now the Ironbridge Gorge Museums boast a fantastic 10 museums charting the area’s history.

Whilst Ironbridge’s local trade was on the decline the tourist trade was on the up. Eley’s of Ironbridge trade was to take the natural path of suppling the requirements of tourists in order to survive the economic changes occurring.

Now the’ butchers shop’ serves hot & cold food and drinks, not forgetting the ‘Eley’s Pork Pies’ also pasties and sausage rolls in a prime position in the now bustling tourist attraction.